What people are saying

The Cardiff Business Awards has been one of the largest city celebrations of business in Wales and across the UK for many years and this year it will be celebrating its 10th anniversary.  Over the last 10 years the city’s economy has undergone some significant changes and  challenges. Certainly the impact of the pandemic is still evident across our economy, while our businesses have been grappling with a combination of reduced consumer confidence, inflation and changing labour market trends. Despite these challenges the businesses of the city have supported the business awards in large numbers and have demonstrated both their resilience and innovation. I am sure this year on our 10th  anniversary we will continue to see a wide range of companies and sectors applying for the awards.

Cllr Huw Thomas, Leader of Cardiff Council
"As a Cardiff business, we have relished the opportunity over the past few years to support the Cardiff Business Awards as a headline sponsor. This has allowed us to not only support but also celebrate the incredible talent flourishing in this remarkable city. It's vital to come together to highlight the hard work, dedication, and success of the amazing businesses around us. Every year, it is inspiring to witness the growth and development of these enterprises as they continue to elevate Cardiff's status in the business world. We are extremely excited and looking forward to celebrating all the local businesses." Natasha Ives Marketing Manager, Euroclad Group

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